Just a Thought

The Lighter Side of How To Organize Your Cats

For some unknown reason, many folks who have cats as pets have more than one cat in their home. In fact, it is not uncommon for cat lovers to own several cats. So how do you keep track if you have several cats and still want to keep a tidy and organized home? Well, I think it is pretty darn simple. You should  take the basic principles of organization and simply apply it to your cats. But to help make it clear to those of us without the necessary imagination  to figure it out on our own,  I did some basic web research.

 Organize Your Cats By Wrapping And Labeling Them In Brown Paper

 Organize Your Cats By Putting Them In Apothecary Jars

(relax – no cats were really put into jars!)

Organize Your Cats By Using Separate Cat Shelves

Organize Your Cats By Putting Them In Colored Pots




 Organize Your Cats Using Spare Teacups

7. Organize Your Cats By Sorting Them Into Buckets

Organize Your Cats By Sorting Them In Separate Laundry Baskets

9. Organize Your Cats By Sorting Each Into Separate File Folders

10. Organize Your Cats Using Handy Shelves


 Organize Your Cats By Hanging Them On Separate Hammocks

 Organize Your Cats By Putting Each In Cheap Plastic Bins

Organize Your Cats By Putting Each In Stackable Baskets

(Available at the dollar store)

Organize Your Cats By Upcycling  Old Soda Boxes


If you don’t have enough soda boxes, you can just use the wire shelving without the boxes until you  collect enough.


Organize Your Cats By Giving Them Their Own Labeled Wooden Boxes




Paper Grocery Bags Bags To Store Your Cat



Organize Your Cats Into Separate Moving Boxes


Organize Your Cats By Upcycling Individual Flower Pots


 Organize Your Cats By Wrapping Them Tightly In Separate Blankets


Organize Your Cats By Putting Them In Numbered Boxes



Well, I hope these 20 Brilliant Ways to Organize Your Cats will provide you the inspiration you need to go and organize your own cats. Now go organize!

Image result for cute cat picsImage result for cute cat picsImage result for cute cat picsImage result for cute cat picsImage result for cute cat pics

Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC 



66 thoughts on “The Lighter Side of How To Organize Your Cats”

      1. Nope, i don’t. But I simply adore cats 🐈 and kittens … they make me awww whenever I see them.😙

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I only have one right now – a rescued Siamese – who doesn’t know she’s Siamese- she’s very quiet and let’s the dogs (three of them) run the house!


  1. Hi got a question. I’m to get your posts Daily but haven’t been getting them. Why? I love your site. I would appreciate it if you look into this issue for me please. Would’ve used contact form but didn’t see one. Please get back to me.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, Linda, I have a new granddaughter of five months old now. I just saw her and held her for the first time three weeks ago. Autumn will be three at the end of the month. I was going to her birthday party but postpone it because of the fire in Oregon. The fire is intense with the top level of unhealthy air quality!


      2. I know what you mean. The smoke was terrible here from the fires we had near me. Step outside and the smoke is terrible, I started coughing right away!
        I am so excited about your new granddaughter, Congrats! Sorry you missed the party, but thankfully there will be many more!🤗❤️️


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