Trash to Treasure

Up Cycled CD/DVD Cabinet

This was a fun project. My son didn’t want this cd/dvd cabinet anymore, so it ended up in my craft room. I thought about it for a bit, and then came up with the idea of putting my spray paints and chalk paints in it for storage. That would work out super!

up cycled dvd cd storage, chalk paint, craft rooms, painted furniture, repurposing upcycling, storage ideas

This is what it looked like before….a mess!

up cycled dvd cd storage, chalk paint, craft rooms, painted furniture, repurposing upcycling, storage ideas

Pretty rough……but I love a challenge! I started by cleaning it all up, and painting the inside and outside white.

up cycled dvd cd storage, chalk paint, craft rooms, painted furniture, repurposing upcycling, storage ideas

I have seen pretty furniture with stripes on them all over the internet. I have a bookcase in my room I have been wanting to redo with stripes. I haven’t ever painted stripes before so I thought I could practice on this piece. I had three different sizes of Frog Tape, but ended up going with the smallest one .94″ (almost a inch) so I could have more stripes. Never doing this before, and not doing the math, I put the tape on in little pieces at the top, just to see how many stripes I would go with. I started on one side with the tape and ran it all the way down. For the next stripe I put a couple of small pieces next to stripe I had just made. The small pieces made it easy to lay the next stripe straight. I continued with the other stripes the same way.
up cycled dvd cd storage, chalk paint, craft rooms, painted furniture, repurposing upcycling, storage ideas
up cycled dvd cd storage, chalk paint, craft rooms, painted furniture, repurposing upcycling, storage ideas
After I put all the stripes on, I then put on the chalk paint.

up cycled dvd cd storage, chalk paint, craft rooms, painted furniture, repurposing upcycling, storage ideas

I removed the tape, one at a time. You need to work quickly with the painting and remove the tape before the paint dries. I then covered the shelf’s with some contact paper I had on hand.

up cycled dvd cd storage, chalk paint, craft rooms, painted furniture, repurposing upcycling, storage ideas

I love the way it turned out! Not too bad first try with stripes…..Watch out bookcase….your next!

up cycled dvd cd storage, chalk paint, craft rooms, painted furniture, repurposing upcycling, storage ideas

Love that it holds a lot of paint.I still have to add the other door, but need new screws…I know there are a lot of these out there….so if you see one….grab it! You can do so much with this besides cd storage….holds all kinds of stuff.

up cycled dvd cd storage, chalk paint, craft rooms, painted furniture, repurposing upcycling, storage ideas

Thank you so much for looking at my project….

up cycled dvd cd storage, chalk paint, craft rooms, painted furniture, repurposing upcycling, storage ideas

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