Crafts, Kids

DIY Glow in the Dark Projects for Kids

I have made some pretty fun ‘Slime’ projects. This post is filled with slime projects. You can see here how to make your own slime. It is so easy to do, and you probably already have the ingredients you need to make it for yourself and try some of these projects below. To make your own slime, look at my projects here: 

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I received this wonderful article from DIY & Crafts by Vanessa Beaty. I just loved this fun article and wanted to share it with you.So here we go with 25 Amazingly Fun Glow in the Dark Projects for kids. There is definitely something in here that you will want to do with your kids.From glow in the dark bowling to calming bathtub activities – that also glow in the dark – your kids are going to flip when they see these projects! I have to say, I got a little excited myself.

Glow In The Dark Bowling


By sticking glow sticks into ordinary water bottles, you can create a fun game of glow in the dark bowling. You just use empty clear bottles and then add an activated glow stick. You can get glow sticks at the Dollar Tree and they normally come two or three to a package. Once you have your “pins” set up, just use any ball you want to knock them down. This is a super fun game for late summer nights and would be perfect to take along on camping trips.

Glowing Bedtime Bottle


This is  a great bottle that glows in the dark, which helps to calm children down before bedtime. This is perfect for active children who need to tone it down just a notch so that they can easily fall asleep. The empty water bottle is filled with hair gel, glow in the dark paint, and glow in the dark mini stars. The stars “dance” around, which mesmerizes children and helps them to calm down and get ready to drift off into dreamland.

Tutorial: kidsactivitiesblog

Glow In The Dark Bathtub Fun


These fun glow in the dark balloons are perfect for bath time fun. You just blow up balloons, add activated glow sticks, tie the balloons up and then let the kids have a ball. Warning – this could get messy as kids throw the balloons back and forth. Water may hit the floor – but that’s what makes it such a fun activity. If you don’t want to clean up water in the bathroom, this is also a great outdoor activity or maybe a fun pool game at night.

Tutorial: kidsactivitiesblog


I have so much fun with kids and sidewalk chalk. Not only does this sidewalk chalk glow in the dark, you save money because you make it yourself. I love the idea of making sidewalk chalk. Although it’s not terribly expensive, any time you can save money is a great time, right? So, you need plaster of Paris, glow in the dark paint, and an ice cube tray to create these amazing chalks. There as much fun to make as they are to use, and kids will adore making messages on the sidewalk that will glow when nighttime arrives.

Tutorial: growingajeweledrose

Out Of This World Constellation Jar


This constellation jar is made to house the Big Dipper and it’s amazing! This is a great project to use up one of those mason jars that you have ready for crafting. You’ll need to get an image of the Big Dipper and draw it on the jar – there are a few other steps, too. When you’re finished, you’ll have captured the galaxy, particularly the Big Dipper part of it. Or, choose your own favorite constellation – or even make them all!

Tutorial: momdot

Awesome Glowing Dream Catcher


This amazing dream catcher is a paper plate with glowing mini stars throughout. I love this idea for decorating a little one’s room. It makes wonderfully homemade décor during the day and turns into a glowing dream catcher at night, complete with soothing stars to help lull little ones to sleep. You could add glow in the dark paint to the actual paper plate itself or just attach glowing mini stars for the glow in the dark effect.

Tutorial: kidsactivitiesblog

Glow In The Dark Cotton Candy


My favorite part of the county fair growing up was cotton candy. I still love it to this day. I also really love these glow in the dark cotton candies – and kids will adore them, too. You don’t actually do anything to the cotton candy itself. The glowing comes from LED cotton candy sticks that you can buy online. They’re made by Glo Cone and they are FDA approved, so they’re perfectly safe for your little ones. I love this idea of making glowing cotton candy – almost as much as I love eating cotton candy!

Tutorial: livinglocurto

Galaxy Jar


Here’s another great out of this world glowing jar idea that kids will love. This galaxy jar is made with an old mason jar and glow in the dark fabric paint – which you can pick up at just about any craft or fabric store. Kids will adore making their own version of the Milky Way and you’ll love how fascinated they are with their own little private galaxy.

Tutorial: momdot

Two Ingredient Glowing Glue


Kids will love creating with their own glowing glue. You can easily create glue that glows in the dark by just mixing white glue with fluorescent paint. You just add a few drops of paint to your glue and shake well. Many stores offer school glue for under a dollar, especially during the fall, so you could afford to make an entire rainbow of glowing glues. Then just give the kids some construction paper and let them create pictures that will glow when the lights go out. This is a great project idea for cold, snowy or rainy days when you just can’t get outside.

Tutorial: growingajeweledrose

Glow In The Dark Shirts


These glow in the dark star shirts are perfect for your Fourth of July celebrations this summer. Not only will they thrill kids who are wearing them, they make it a bit easier to keep an eye on your little ones when it’s dark outside because the shirts glow. You can use iron on appliques to get that glow in the dark look, or if you don’t want a shirt for the Fourth of July, you can buy glow in the dark fabric paint and create a shirt in any design your little one wants.

Tutorial: dukesandduchesses

Glowing Spider Webs


I really don’t like spiders, but I do like these glow in the dark spider webs. These will be great for making your Halloween decorations just a bit spookier. There are a couple of reasons why I love this project. First, it glows in the dark. Second, gluing together the wooden craft sticks is a great project for younger children as it helps to develop fine motor skills. To make these, just hot glue craft sticks together and then use neon rubber bands to help them glow.

Tutorial: stillplayingschool

Glowing Volcano


This one looks like so much fun for kids! The next time your child needs to do a simple yet amazing science project, don’t just go for a boring old volcano. Make it a volcano that glows! You could even do this at home, even when you don’t need a project for school. This volcano erupts with glow in the dark lava – sure to excite kids, teachers, and parents alike. It takes basic materials – those that you would use to build a regular volcano – but it glows! Imagine your child’s excitement when they present this at their next science fair.

Tutorial: growingajeweledrose

Glow In The Dark Rice


You can’t eat this rice…moms have to watch the younger ones. This is an easy project and one that is going to thrill your children. It’s also a great idea for sensory play, which is important in growing children. To make each color, you need four cups of raw rice, neon paint, and rubbing alcohol. Let your child mix the ingredients together in a freezer bag and they can play to their heart’s desire. The rice really glows if you put it under a black light.

Tutorial: kidsactivitiesblog

Glowing Yard Game


This game is very reminiscent of Toss Across – you do remember that retro game, right? Anyway, it glows in the dark! Kids will be up half the night tossing their bean bags or small balls through this sheet turned game board. The numbered shapes on the board all glow in the dark, so it’s just as fun after the sun goes down as it is in the daytime. This is definitely going to be a must for summertime fun.

Tutorial: thecountrychiccottage

Glow In The Dark Slime


If you remember my post on how to make  Slime. It was a different recipe then this one. This particular slime will glow in the dark. You’ll begin by making a basic slime recipe – which is great anytime, even if it doesn’t glow. To make it glow in the dark, you just add glow in the dark gel, neon food coloring and borax. Kids will love playing with their slime, and they’ll love it even more after dark when it begins to glow a bright, neon color.

Tutorial: momdot

Glow In The Dark Bath Time Fun


Kids will adore bathing in this glow in the dark water. It has vitamins in it, so it’s perfectly safe and even a bit healthy for kids. You add the water to your tub and use a black light to activate the glowing effect. Kids of all ages are going to love playing in this glowing water. I mean, who wouldn’t want to take a bath in a glowing tub? And, the ingredients to make this glow water are really cheap – you’ll literally be spending only pennies per tub.

Tutorial: funathomewithkids

Glow In The Dark Bath Paint


You use fluorescent paint and shaving cream to create these amazing glow in the dark bath paints that kids are going to adore using at bath time. If you’ve ever had trouble getting your child to take his bath, this is the perfect solution. Any child is going to love painting it up with glow in the dark paints that you activate with a black light. Plus, the supplies to make these are really inexpensive so you can make an entire rainbow of colors.

Tutorial: pagingfunmums

Glowing Tic Tac Toe Game


Tic tac toe is such a favorite game for many children. You can make their favorite game even more exciting when you turn it into this awesome glow in the dark version. Kids will love playing this at night outdoors during summer, or you could just let them play in the kitchen floor during colder months. You just need some glow sticks and squares – kitchen tiles work wonderfully for this. Or, you could use tape to make a board, whatever works for you.

Tutorial: kidsactivitiesblog

Amazing Glowing Science Project


This glowing science project is a great way to explore the different densities of water and oil – or ice as the case may be. You need baby or vegetable oil, an ice cube tray, water, and some fluorescent or glow in the dark paint to make this project. You make glowing ice in the ice cube tray and then watch as your child learns how ice and oil don’t really mix. This is a fun and educational game that children of all ages will enjoy.

Tutorial: growingajeweledrose

Glowing Bouncy Balls


These glow in the dark bouncy balls are so very easy to make and kids are going to love them. You will need borax, corn starch, and warm water to create each ball, as well as white glue and fluorescent or glow in the dark paints in whatever colors you want to create. You make the entire ball with this one – you’re not just painting over an existing bouncy ball, so you could actually make them any size that you want.

Tutorial: instructables

Glow In The Dark Easter Eggs


This is a great one to make with Easter coming up!! What fun for children. What kid wouldn’t want to hunt these amazing glow in the dark Easter eggs? They’re so colorful and even older children will want to get in on the hunting fun when you make these. This is such an easy project – but note that you won’t really be able to fill the eggs with candy. To
make them glow, you just snap a glo stick and place inside a plastic egg. Even after your main Easter egg hunt, kids will be at it all night with these wonderful glow in the dark eggs.

Tutorial: isavea2z

So there you have it!! Lots of ideas for you mom and dads to make with your kids!!! So much fun. Let me know if you decide to do any of these…would love to see!!! USA, LLC 

16 thoughts on “DIY Glow in the Dark Projects for Kids”

  1. OMG how I would love to do these with grandkids! Unfortunately, I can only see them on the screen, and my daughter-in-law does not allow messes in the house. Any projects I’ve ever done with them were done in my kitchen. When I asked, what are you planning to do with them all summer, the answer was “Throw them into the pool when they get tired of computers.” I don’t interfere with daughters-in-law, but I am not happy about this strategy.


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