
Cute Watermelon Pot

Summer is here and I wanted to share with you this adorable idea I came up with for your backyard entertaining! I know when I was raising my boys, when we weren’t camping, my backyard was filled with neighborhood kids swimming. Barbecues played a big part in feeding the masses…haha. I even remember the watermelon ‘food fights’. Ah, wonderful memories.

I want to share a cute idea I had to make add to your picnic or entertaining table. This is an easy, and inexpensive craft, and you can make it in minutes with just a few materials.

 Suggested materials:

  • Terra cotta pot (You can get these at a dollar store too)
  • Red and Green Paint (I used Rustoleum)
  • Black Perm. Marker


This is what I started out with…a little terra cotta pot.

watermelon pot, container gardening, crafts, gardening

Tip: If you are going to put real flowers in this, and If you are using a used pot you need to clean with bleach and water, rinse, and let sit in the sun to completely dry through the pot.

If using artificial flowers like I am then you can skip that step!
Now if you follow my blog, you know before I add a bright color, that I sprayed with White first. This is to make the final color, red, POP !

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watermelon pot, container gardening, crafts, gardening

After that I covered the rim and painted the rest red…..after the red dried, I painted the rim green with acrylic paint.

watermelon pot, container gardening, crafts, gardening

I then took a black permanent marker and made little seeds. When it was dry, I painted lightly over the seeds with red acrylic paint. I know, your thinking I’m going in circles…could be….I create as I go. I just wanted to give it more depth and ” looks like there are seeds just under where we can barely see it”. Like shadows.
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watermelon pot, container gardening, crafts, gardening

I painted the inside red as seen above, Gave it a coat of Clear Coat Spray. I’ve had this red n white checkerboard pattern, it looks like summer picnics and barbecues……and I love daisies!

watermelon pot, container gardening, crafts, gardening

So what do you think? Wouldn’t this look adorable on your summer table?

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