
Succulents Gardening For The Beginner

 Succulents are one of the most popular plants in the greenhouse. While gardeners are going crazy for these drought-tolerant wonders, there are some things you should know before you start growing them on your own. From potting basics to care and maintenance, here’s a few guidelines for creating a healthy succulent home.


Potting succulents.

Potting a succulent is a different process compared to that of traditional plants. Succulents need a different soil mixture and a more sophisticated drainage system than the ordinary household greenery. Fortunately, you can plant succulents in just about any container, from mason jars to tea cups, so get creative with your options.


Start the potting process by filling your container with pebbles or small rocks. Then, install a layer of activated charcoal, followed by sphagnum moss (also known as peat moss) and the special soil mixture, which you can purchase at any garden center. Place your succulent inside the container, ensuring its roots are below the soil level. Fill in any empty space with more of the soil. You can add another layer of rock on top for decoration.

Basic Care

A glass terrarium with succulents inside.

Succulents are easy to maintain because they need little attention. Avoid overwatering your succulent, which is pretty much the only thing that kills them. A rule of thumb is to water them once a week only until the soil is moist. You shouldn’t reach a point where the soil is soaked as this will lead to drainage problems down the road. This rule should be applied during warm months, and you can water less frequently in cooler seasons.

Terrariums are quite possibly the most popular DIY style piece that features succulents, and for good reason! These are easy to create, simple to maintain, and look beautiful in a home. To make your own, first choose a container. This could be an open-top cylinder vase or jar, or it could be a dome-shaped glass. Spread a layer of gravel on the bottom of the container, sprinkling a bit of charcoal on top.

Next, spread a layer of clean potting soil so that it’s about a half inch deep. Make a small hole in the soil with your finger for plant roots, placing succulents atop the soil. If you’re using moss, arrange it on the soil. Place your terrarium in a spot that receives some sunlight and mist it lightly when soil is dried out to keep healthy.



Succulents thrive both indoors and outside. Wherever you decide to place them, make sure they are not in direct sunlight for extended amounts of time—but also not in the shade. These plans prefer filtered and bright light throughout the day. With the right amount of water and sunlight, your succulent should thrive in their new home.


Avoid Pests

Dead succulents in a green pot.

Even with the best care and attention, there are certain pests that can destroy a succulent. You should be on the watch for slugs, snails, mealybugs, and aphids, though other critters can also eat your plant for dinner. If you suspect a bug is eating away at your succulent, do a little research and get to the bottom of the problem right away.



 Now that you know how to plant and maintain a succulent, it’s time to go over the different varieties. If you’re planting a large succulent garden, then remember that you can mix and match different types for color and shape. Whatever succulent plant you choose, the same planting and maintenance rules will apply. Below are just a few of the many varieties available.




Agave plants come in a lot of different shapes and colors. These succulents should be planted in a south-facing window during the winter and kept in a warm area for the summer.

Jade Plant

A green jade plant in a white pot.

Crassula, commonly known as a jade plant, is nearly impossible to destroy. Crassulas make a great mixed pot and will eventually bloom pink or white clusters. You can turn them into a bonsai plant with a little bit of pruning and patience.

Baby Toes

Adromischus cristatus, commonly called baby toes, look like small feet and are a great conversation starter. These plants are easy to grow and require little maintenance. They do prefer brighter light, but will thrive in just about any location.


A group of echevaria succulents.

Two great beginning Echeveria species are Echeveria glauca and Echeveria elegans. Both of these varieties are easy to care for and grow at a slow pace, making them perfect for beginners.

Tiger’s Jaws

Faucaria, or tiger’s jaws, feature a wide and toothy opening. These plants are low maintenance and are sure to attract attention with their sharp grin. They look great in a mix, especially when they flower.


Aloe is one of the most popular succulents due to their ease of care and textured foliage. Consider selecting a smaller species in this group, such as andongensis, as they are easier to grow within a mixed pot.

 Have you used succulents in your gardens outside or perhaps the inside of your home? I would love to see your pics!



68 thoughts on “Succulents Gardening For The Beginner”

  1. That picture after the mention of aloe is actually a variegated Agave americana, and the one labeled as agave is an exquisite specimen of a variegated yucca. They are easily confused.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Do you happen to know if Yucca schidigera is endemic to Palm Desert? I do not remember ever seeing it; but that was decades ago, and I was not watching for it at the time. I think I saw it in other regions, but I did not stop to identify it. I really do not know what it looks like in the wild. I have only seen seedlings in pots, which are not much to look at.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I suppose I should have looked there first. It shows a big range, that extends all over your region and up beyond Trona! I can’t believe I missed it while there so long ago. Even though I was not looking for yuccas, they are hard to miss.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. How funny! I tried to explain to friends who are not interested in gardening how sculptural the ocotillo is, but they did not get it. They just though it looked odd. We do not have them here, probably because they would rot at the base like Joshua trees do.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. You are welcome. It is actually not much of a blog. Most of what is posted are my weekly gardening column articles, cut into two pieces; the main topic, and the featured plant. There are recent articles, and articles from last year.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too!! That is probably why I have so many in pots…hahaa…they take such abuse out here in the heat, I just water and they are fine. I am so glad that you liked the post!


    1. Thank you so much! It’s been a record breaking winter here also….so much rain. It’s never been like this…odd for the desert! I am looking forward to getting out there too and getting my hands dirty!


    1. Jessy, succulents are very easy to grow. Usually your nursery only carries plants native to your area.Good luck and let me know…love to see what you create. Just let them dry out a bit before you water, and water lightly.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Some of those agaves get HUGE! It seems that many of the modern cultivars that have become available in the past many years are much more compact than the few that were available back in the 1980s. I grew yuccas a few years ago, and they were still classified as succulents, which I still think is rather weird.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ooh, that does not sound good. I find that agave tastes rather raspy. It is difficult to describe, but adding a bit of agave sugar almost makes me cough slightly. Tequila does the same. (I do not drink alcohol, but have tasted tequila.)

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the look of succulents but admitedly don’t know much about growing them. Thank-you for the tips, I’ve been needing to properly re-pot my aloe plant for awhile 😅


    1. They are so easy to grow Rachel. They love light, not direct sun though. Water sparingly. When you replant your Aloe (which doesn’t bother them) don’t over water. It’s awesome having a Aloe plant!☺️❤️️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank-you for the tips! My aloe plant seems to be doing well, but I know it does need a bit of new soil. I agree, it is awesome for burns and skin irritations ☺

        Liked by 1 person

      2. The Aloes are easy to transplant and they take the whole process easily. Don’t be afraid to repot, they are tough plants. Just don’t overwater! Wet the soil first, then put in the Aloe. ☺️❤️️ You are so welcome for the tips.

        Liked by 1 person

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