Crafts, Fun & Easy DIY

Heart Handle

This is a very simple craft, that is not completely finished. This would look a lot better on a coffee mug. I didn’t have a white one, which would have shown up better.

I started with a piece of copy paper and folded it in halfDSCN4855

Now hold up the creased side to the handle, right at the edge like below. You will see the shadow of the handle through the paper.


Then trace it out with one hand, while holding it still with the other. Then cut out what you traced. Open it up and you have a heart.


Then fold in half and hold it up to the handle to see if you cut the right size.


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Now you unfold the heart….the crease of the paper heart is lined up with handle…

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See how the crease of the heart is centered at the beginning of the handle


Then you take a permanent marker. I did this in black to show you easier what to do…I made dots around the left side of the heart…


I messed up some of these dots…but it will come off easily with alcohol. Take off the tape and heart, clean up the dots….and there you go:


Isn’t that just precious! Think of a coffee mug….You can outline in different color…add lines in a diagonal…write something on heart. Chalk paint it. Think Mothers Day, or Fathers day. I am making one for a friend who’s husband agrees….she is the boss…so I am going to make mine in pretty color, then in center write…I’m the boss. Funny, but she will love it!

Have I got your brain in overdrive thinking what you could create? If you do this on a coffee cup, place in the oven on a cookie sheet, at 225 for 20 minutes. This will make it washable. USA, LLC 

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