Christmas, Garden, Holidays

Up Cycled Outdoor Chandelier


This is another original of mine. I finished putting together a pavers patio in the backyard. Then made a Pergola. I wanted a light fixture to go above the table. this is such a easy, inexpensive way to get beautiful nighttime lighting outside. All I needed was:
Wire wreath (craft store)
LED Icicle Christmas Lights
Chain (purchased at home improvement store)
4 smaller hooks (to connect chains to wire wreath)
1 larger hook (to connect to hook on ceiling, and other end of hook to put the 4 strands of chains on.
White Spray paint
Sparkly beads (optional) 
I had the guy at the home improvement store cut the chains 14″ long.(You can adjust this to fit the height you want need.) Lengths will be different, it depends on how high your ceiling is where it’s being attached to. I spray painted the wreath, wire chain, hooks… all white.
I then started wrapping the lights on the outside wire first as seen below. All you need to do is start wrapping it around. To get it to stay, I pulled the icicle part down between wire sections.The Chandelier is going to be hung with a bit larger hook. Notice the silver hook above bottom right side. I was connecting to a outdoor extension cord, so I left the length of the chain plus another 6 or 7 inches to reach the extension cord. The pic shows green wire, but I painted it white after pic.
When I as finished with that, I put on the 4 strands of chains and attached to wreath with the hooks. With the remaining length of the lights, I ran them up the length of a chain, then over the hook at top, and back down the other side to another chain. You then take the light strand to the next empty chain and again go up the chain and down again on the last 4th strand. So the light strand would end up on top I went up closest chain to hook and then led it to a extension cord. This is what it looks like going up the chain:
This is how it looks with chains and up top!

I then added some pretty sparkly silver beads. Shine so pretty even during the during the day! There you go….sounds complicated…but it isn’t, really!!!! I love how this looks in my pergola!



So fun and easy to make….hope you try…it looks so good outside…beautiful at night!!! this little guy (hummingbird) sits atop the chandelier all day swinging in the breeze!

hummer on chandelier.jpg

I hope I inspired you to make this for your home! Thank you for looking!


34 thoughts on “Up Cycled Outdoor Chandelier”

    1. That little guy was so protective of ‘his’ backyard! I had 4-5 hummer feeders in different areas in the backyard, and that little guy would chase other hummers out….You would think he would be exhausted flying all the others out all day long!hahaa He would sit on that chandelier all day. What was adorable was the chandelier would sway a little in a strong breeze, he would stay on! I think he made it his own personal swing!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It was probably with the Patio Set Makeover. I was so proud of that area. I put down the pavers, built the pergola myself, I was sooo proud of myself. Those first time projects I try, and then actually accomplish, is such a wonderful feeling 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you so much Robin. I am proud of myself on this one for sure! It’s wonderful when your project works out as good as it was in your head! That doesn’t happen all the time hahaha…plenty of project fails! Live and learn!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I have had a busy month. Custom orders mostly. Dream catchers and wreaths. Ohh Yay for your brace coming off.. I know how happy that can feel!!! Seeing your Granddaughter will be awesome =) ❤


      2. Ugh…3 more weeks to go with the brace. But…I’m learning to live with it! hahaa. I don’t want to see my granddaughter like this though. I couldn’t hold her, lift and hug, or even hold hands with her and play. It’s best I wait so I don’t harm myself.

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      3. Oh you betcha I will!! 17th Sept!!! I am moving so I have been trying to pack up a house….1 or 2 boxes a day! So many ‘rules’ for recovery.
        But I am in great spirits and happy!

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