Storage & Organization & Hacks

Hacks For Women!

This is a special post for all those women out there that want to make life easier for themselves. We all want that!! So here we go with lots of ideas you may have never known before…

Break in your flats in 5 minutes! I Just Love This one!!!


Step 1: Put on thick socks, and then your flats.
Step 2: Blow-dry your shoes around the tight sections for a few minutes.
Step 3: Keep your socks/flats on while it cools.
Step 4: Test them out; repeat process if you need them more stretched out.

Remove Deodorant Stains From Your Clothes With Dryer Sheets




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Make your cheap flip flops pretty!!!


Cut  the Toes Off A Pair of Wool Socks to Up Your Boot Game


Use Glitter and Glue to Repair Shoes


Those look pretty, what a great fix…

Here’s a Great Way to Store Your Boots


Use Nail Polish to Color the Soles of Your Heals!


Chill Your White Wine With Frozen Grapes


Use Beeswax to Water Proof Your Shoes


Hang Your Purses With Shower Curtain Hooks

Use Old Hangers to Hang up Your Sandals

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Store Makeup on a Pretty Magnet Board


This is a good way to keep track of your makeup and stay organized. Instructions here.

Neatly Tuck in Your Non-Skinny Jeans into Your Boots


Turn Your Hangers Around To Clean Your Closet


We all buy clothes we don’t wear, and it takes up unnecessary closet space. Place your hangers the opposite way, and after you use an article of clothing, hang it up regularly. By the end of the year (or season), donate the clothes that are still hanging backward.



Dry Delicate Items In a Salad Spinner


Well ladies….did you like these ideas? Did any of them spark your interest? USA, LLC

77 thoughts on “Hacks For Women!”

  1. Some great tips today! I really love the flip flop one with the pearls and shells, they are beautifully! I hate how plane flip flops are at times, but that’s perfect to make them cuter. The nail polish on the bottom of the shoedthat are worn is a good idea too. I don’t know how those shoes would hold up inCanadian winters lol. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aren’t those flip flops beautiful! You can buy them at a dollar store, then bling them out! Could you imagine them at a outdoor wedding! Remember this idea this summer when you let your toes out…haha

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I cleared out a ‘bunch’ of stuff when I was packing to move. I know I will be downsizing this next move in Oct…so, each holiday, I am giving away stuff as I put it back away. I threw out bunches of Christmas stuff….6 totes full!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I gave away my Christmas stuff last Tuesday, just kept the minimum. I’ll continue to do one cupboard, one closet, and one room at a time, so when when we do move. it’ll be somewhat manageable.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I think I just may do some research on the subject. Yours is a good idea!!If I would have had more time to move, it would have run a lot better. Got up too soon….surgery all over again..but I’m fine!


  2. Some really great hacks, love the glitter heels and the hangers turned the opposite way, I will get busy with that one. I love the shoe stretch idea.
    Kelley are you staying in California?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Love these! Gotta pin this! I can’t tell you how much I love the up-do on the old navy flats! Most of the others… I’ve done some part of it BUT never with so much promise as these examples have shown. What do you think about yarn around hangers so your sweater doesn’t fall off or your camisoles… does that work? ~Kim

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes it does Kim…works great. I remember, long ago when people were doing this to the wood hangers. Great idea so if hanging up sweaters, it doesn’t leave those ‘poufs’ in the material. I use a belt ring to hang all my camisoles onto. Saves space and they are all in one place!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Flip flop, glitter & glue to repair shoes,wool socks to up your boot game, how to store boots, waterproof shoes, hang purses with shower curtain hooks and to store makeup on magnet board.. I loved all these hacks. 😄

    Liked by 1 person

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