Storage & Organization & Hacks

Creative Ways To Use Dryer Sheets


It was my granddaughters 3rd birthday this weekend, and I had so much fun visiting with her. After her ‘party’ we headed over to the beach for the day. The favorite place, and it didn’t disappoint me! We had so much fun playing in the sand, building sand castles and jumping over the waves.


What does this have with dryer sheets? Well, nothing really, I just wanted to share my weekend with you!!

Dryer sheets are great in the dryer. They remove static clean, helps with the wrinkles, and makes your clothes smell clean and fresh. But, did you know there are several creative ways to use them too? They are not just for your clothes!

Toilet Paper Roll

Toilet Paper Roll

A sneaky way to keep the bathroom smelling fresh is to fold up a dryer sheet and stuff it inside the cardboard toilet paper roll. Every time someone spins the roll, the scent is dispersed!

Bugs On a Car

Bugs On Your Car

A wet dryer sheet works well to remove bugs stuck to your windshield and the front grille of your vehicle.



Just as great on cleaning the chrome on your car, you can gently buff off water spots on chrome surfaces with a slightly dampened used dryer sheet

Smelly Books

Kirsten Hinte/Shutterstock

Smelly Books

If you’re not a fan of that old-book (musty) smell, dust them off with a dryer sheet. If the book isn’t a treasured antique, you can use a new dryer sheet as a bookmark or just place a sheet inside the cover to keep the book smelling sweet.
swiffer dryer sheet cleaner

Floor Dusting Cloths

Company is coming and you’re all out of disposable floor dusting pads. Oh, no! Solution? Grab a used dryer sheet, install it on the sweeper and say goodbye to those dust bunnies.

Shop Dusters

You can see much more clearly when you’re sawing and sanding if you first rub your plastic safety glasses and face shields with a used fabric softener sheet. The exact physics is a matter of discussion, but this makes wood dust a lot less clingy. The key is to use a sheet that’s been through a drying cycle. It’ll be gentler and less laden with softener. Thanks to Travis Larson for this demystifying tip.

Camping Gear


Camping Gear

To ward off unpleasant odors, tuck several dryer sheets in with your sleeping bag, tent and hiking boots before you store them.




Because dryer sheets are all about eliminating static cling, used ones work very well as dust cloths, especially on electronics and mini blinds.


Keep Linens Fresh

Keep Your Linens Fresh

When you fold sheets and pillowcases, tuck a new dryer sheet in between the folds and your sheets and pillowcases will be lightly scented when you put them on your bed.

Gym Bag

Gym Bags

Damp (sweaty) workout gear and clothes can make a gym bag really stink. Put dryer sheets in your gym bag to absorb foul odors and keep your bag (and your workout gear) smelling fresh.

Freshen Shoes and Boots

Freshen Shoes and Boots

If you (or someone who lives with you) has sweaty feet, get in the habit of placing dryer sheets into shoes and boots when they’re not being worn. This helps keep your closet or under-bed shoe storage box fresh.
Garbage Cans
Daisy Daisy/Shutterstock

Garbage Cans

If your garbage can has a lingering, unpleasant scent, line it with dryer sheets. The sheets absorb odors (and leaks).
Burned-On Foods
Sattalat phukkum/Shutterstock

Burned-On Foods

Getting burnt food off cookware is no easy feat. But here’s a clever trick: put a new dryer sheet at the bottom of the dirty pan, add water and let it soak overnight. The next day, wipe out the pan and you’re good to go.
Gidget & Diesel – courtesy of mommy

Pet Hair

We love our pets but dealing with pet hair is tedious. If you see clumps of unshed hair on your pet, use a dryer sheet to gently remove them and avoid the mess altogether. If you see hair on the floor, a used dryer sheet works well to dust and grab the whole mess.


Annoyed by static cling in your hair and clothes? Gently rub a dryer sheet over your hair and clothes to calm down that irritating cling.
Air Vents and Fans


Air Vents and Fans

To freshen indoor air, place a dryer sheet inside your cold air return vent or allow air from a box fan to flow through a dryer sheet.


Remove beach sand from your skin easily with a quick wipe with a dryer sheet. Baby powder also works well to remove sand. This really came in handy at the beach yesterday. Also my lint from the dryer started our bonfire!
Sticky Stuff

Sticky Stuff

Tree sap is notoriously sticky and difficult to remove, but the solution to freeing yourself of this nuisance is actually in your laundry room. Remove sap more easily with dryer sheets than with normal wipes.

Protecting Delicate Objects

Protecting Delicate Objects

Save used dryer sheets and use them to wrap up seasonal décor for storage. The sheets protect fragile items and keep the contents of the storage box smelling fresh.
So, any of these ideas inspire you?

42 thoughts on “Creative Ways To Use Dryer Sheets”

  1. These are some great tips! I really like the idea of using them between folded sheets that are stored, and for including with camping gear when storing it away. We use them in gym shoes consistently to help reduce the odor in those – and it works very well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So great in sneakers! My sons cleats….yuck! They are also great attached to your wastebasket and your laundry basket lids. Great in your kids gym lockers Tack one in smelly cabinets, and anywhere there is odors.


    2. Isn’t that a great one. You know those space saver bags? I stick one in there when storing. I’m packing to move, so I am sticking them in every box and bin!


      1. She reminds me of my granddaughters. I have 10 grandchildren and 8 of them are blonde hair, blue-eyed girls. which is really nice because I had 3 sons. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Great tips! It’s amazing how many places you can use dryer sheets to keep your items smelling fresh or to remove odors. I never thought about placing them in the musty used books I buy. Great tip, I am going to try it!


      1. I feel for you…I have one doggie that doesn’t shed, and one that does too. He sleeps on the next pillow…I’m allergic to him…I get shots for allergy every month.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh honey, it is my pleasure truly! I am so glad you found a hack that works for you. Keep one in a plastic baggy, and slip in your purse….just in case!


  3. I’ll have to try the dyer sheet in a burnt pan. That’s a new one to me. My husband burns pans frequently, though not the food. I haven’t figured that out yet. lol Thanks for the tip.


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