Seasons, Summer

Seahorse Bucket

Hi everyone! I am working on a project that I’m very proud of…or will be when finished! I needed to practice making a seahorse for the project. I think this little guy came out so cute….


I had this little galvanized bucket…it seems like forever. I am pretty sure I picked it up at a craft store.


So now I had to try my hand at drawing a seahorse. When I was satisfied with the drawing, I cut it out and pinned it on a piece of burlap, then cut it out!


I had purchased these shells for another project…. I purchased them at Walmart.


Don’t you love these shells… pretty…TIP Alert: I have a really fantastic tip that I just happened upon. Well you know how raveled the ends get with burlap, I tried spraying it with Rusoleum Clear Spray Sealer. It worked!!! The seahorse was so much easier to handle. It stiffened it up just a little bit, but I love how the ends aren’t raveling anymore. I then used ‘Goop’ to put the little guy on the pail. Then I decorated him with some shells…..So what do you think?


35 thoughts on “Seahorse Bucket”

      1. I love you, your amazing ideas, and your amazing passion!!! 🌼🌼🌼

        Would love to have you Guest Post on
        IT’S ALL ABOUT LOVE! 😁
        May I invite you?

        Kindly email me:
        may I please know your email add?



      2. Oh wonderful to hear from you …. so refreshing! So glad you were happily energised! Will check your special mail now 💕💕💕💕💕


      3. Dear Linda, hope you received my mail ….. it seems that I encountered a computer glitch ….. responded and yet received a notification that mail was jumbled with other messages and not sent …… May I know your email add? ❤️❤️❤️


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