Trash to Treasure

Curb Find

If you know me, you know that I believe it is such a waste to throw out perfectly (well maybe not so perfect) stuff!

I was walking my doggies with some friends and I found these chairs on the side of the road. They had terrible stains, cobwebs, and just yucky. But I saw something different…a perfect upcycle. These are the chairs…


Would you pass them up???? Or let them go into the landfill? They were in good condition…only one had a hole in the leg. Well I knew I could do something with them.



I took a wire brush and some orange cleaner….and scrubbed. Most of it came off. There still was a little bit of stain on the seat. I took Rustoleum 2x Clear Coat and sprayed a light coat over all. This would seal the stain so I can paint over it easily without bleeding through.

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Just look at this beauty now! Isn’t it just amazing how you can take something so messed up, and make it pretty……and usable again. I am all about re cycle and believe it is such a waste to throw out stuff. I painted them with Rustoleum 2x Seaside


I have found so many of these on the curb. If I can’t use, I know there are neighbors or friends that would love them! Up Cycle it and if you don’t need it…someone else will.

Until June 26th, 8pm EST — Get $100 OFF StudioPress Pro Plus Pack

73 thoughts on “Curb Find”

  1. You did such a good job. I love chairs, they have character, and mow beautiful color. My parents had spray painted some old patio chairs way back, but they didn’t look as nice as this. What kind of paint did you use? Did you use a brush/mini-roller or spray paint? When my Mom and Dad redid theirs, the spray paint didn’t seem to cover evenly. That was many year ago, so maybe there are better products out there there for this type of thing?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You did a fantastic job Kelley! So rewarding, isn’t it? We have rescued many things too, giving them a new life and saving them from ending up in landfills. Sometimes we sell them if we can’t use them or give them away.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Carmen. Yes, It is so rewarding when I save something from the landfill. Even more rewarding is turning trash to treasure. If I find something, even if I can’t use, I know there are some friends out there that would love. We sound like two peas in a pod!❤️️

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    1. Exactly Jason, keeping from the landfills and dressing up the backyard! Perfect for out by the pool! Have a great weekend Jason! Where you off to next? Loved all the pics of Paris!☺️❤️️

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      1. Ah thank you! Paris is actually my next trip, only a few weeks to go and I’ll be going back. I’m excited to experience it in the summer as it was winter last time I went.

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