Just a Thought

Dog Wisdom

My friend David sent me this. I always find the sweetest stuff in my box from him. Thank you David.

I hope this brings everyone smiles today.

hangr ala's AboutDogs And People

hangrala's AboutDogs And People

Dog WisdomIf you ever had a dog, you’ll understand……………… ..

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hangrala's AboutDogs And People

hangrala's AboutDogs And People

hangrala's AboutDogs And People

hangrala's AboutDogs And People

hangrala's AboutDogs And People
hangrala's AboutDogs And People

hangrala's AboutDogs And People
I was at a store the other day looking at bikes. I kind of fell in love with this one, so I had to see if Gidget could fit in the basket:


Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC

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