Christmas, Holidays

Easy To Make Christmas Chandelier


Hello everyone,Do you need beautiful inexpensive light out on your patio? Do you want to lighten a dark corner in your home? Well, if that interests you, then take a look at what I created on what I already had on hand. I purchased this stuff over the years, but I purchased most at Walmart.

This is what you will need for this project:

Many of you remember (I hope) my Up cycled Chandelier from almost 2 years ago. This starts out the same, but I decorated this one for the holidays!

You start out by getting figuring out how low you want to hang the chandelier. If you don’t have wire cutters, ask the guy at the home improvement store, where you purchase the chain, to cut the chain into 4 pieces of the length you decided. (you only need three equal chains to go from wreath to top. The 4th is to hang at top. if this sounds confusing, the pics and tutorial will explain more in depth). Remember, the lights will hang down about 10″, and there is a small chain at the very top, so that will have to be figured out in your overall length.


Now you will spray paint all the metal pieces! I love Rustoleum products. They do so well outdoors!

While your waiting for the paint to dry, time to hang your butterfly hook in the ceiling where you want your chandelier to hang. This is what a butterfly hook looks like:

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If you didn’t purchase in white, then paint it along with the wreath, hooks and chain. Let the paint dry completely!

Now start wrapping the icicle lights around the wreath starting on the outside. Drop each hanging icicle through the first and second wire. You keep wrapping around the lights around the wreath, going towards the center. You may have extra, that’s alright, for now you just let it hang down the center


Don’t get confused! I didn’t take a pic of this step so I am borrowing a pic from my other post. See how the icicles drop down. The neat part of this is that you don’t need to secure in place. Dropping the icicles down through the space, holds it in place.

Next you add the green garland. You will have to use some thin crafting wire to hold down the ends. (My garland wasn’t long enough, so I had to add picks to the empty spot!)

Now with the smaller 3 hooks attach your 3 strands of chain. Attach the hooks to the wreath, making sure you space the chains evenly so the chandelier is balanced. Now hang the other ends to the medium hook at top.

Then I took the green and red beaded garland and wrapped around each of the 3 chains  like this:


I was watching the Cowboys game!

Now take the 4th chain, you can adjust this one,  and hook onto the butterfly hook you have in the ceiling.

Now when you have it hung, start adding the ornaments and the crystal beads!


See how the strands of green and red beads are going up the chains. If you notice, I put the extra length of icicle lights also to the medium hook.


I had added my grandmothers angel to the top of the wreath. Each year I try to incorporate it in my holiday decor! I miss her so much, especially the holidays!


My snowman seems happy!


This picture is from underneath, here is another:


The chandelier lights up the whole room, I love it!

If you have any questions, just ask!





59 thoughts on “Easy To Make Christmas Chandelier”

    1. Thank you so much Mel! I had so much fun making this. I felt a bit guilty, as I didn’t take it down at Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a beautiful holiday that seems to be forgotten in the stores, and that is really sad ;(

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