Just a Thought

Creations by You

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Last week I asked if there were any of you out there that would like to share their DIY crafts you’ve been working on. I was so amazed at all the beautiful projects that were sent in to me! There are so many really creative people out there. So without further ado, here are some of the awesome projects.

Nisha Arnold at http://busytykes.com  sent in this adorable Thanksgiving centerpiece: thumbnail Nisha wrote” We use paperclips to add the feathers and each night at dinner we write down what we are thankful for” You can see the full tutorial here for their  Thanksgiving Thankful Turkey   Your project is so adorable! I love that the whole family is involved, truly inspirational, thank you Nisha.


Laura Bailey at   http://alltheshoesiwear.wordpress.com/ sent me some really impressive projects she has worked on. The first shows what you can do with a pair of shutters:




This is the finished look: IMG_639978278707592


What a stunning way to hang your jewelry Laura! Impressed?? Well look at what else Laura created:



Laura made this beautiful candle holder from a branch from a tree….gorgeous! She also did a full makeover on an old lamp:

But one of my favorites of hers is this beautiful, whimsical cake:


20161224_094029-01 Isn’t she incredible!!! I would love a slice of that cake with my coffee! Check out her blog at https://alltheshoesiwear.wordpress.com/


Tracy at It’s a T-Sweets Day! sent me some pictures of her Patio Chair Makeover. Check out the before and afters:


Gorgeous Makeover Tracy, stunning! Amazing what a little paint can do to make something worn out and tired looking into something Amazing! You can check out her tutorial here https://itsatsweetsday.blog/2017/06/15/how-to-do-your-own-patio-chair-make-over-scrap-happy-style/  



Robin at https://haphazardhomemaker.com/  sent in this wonderful garden project I know you will love:

Robin Mundy To see her complete tutorial, check it out here: https://haphazardhomemaker.com/category/garden-art/ Want to see another adorable idea Robin had for her garden? thumbnail

Doesn’t she look so whimsical in the garden? I love this Robin..you’re so creative Robin!

Our creators this week are:

Nisha Arnold at http://busytykes.com

Laura Bailey at   http://alltheshoesiwear.wordpress.com/

Tracy at It’s a T-Sweets Day!

Robin at https://haphazardhomemaker.com/

I just love all these wonderful ideas! Thank you so much for sending in your creations to share! If you would like to share some of your favorite creations, please send to me at kelleysdiy@gmail.com and I will share them with everyone next week. Don’t be shy!

Each person who posted a project will be automatically entered twice in the rafflecopter giveaway this month….yay!!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Remember to enter the giveaway this month. You can enter a Rafflecopter giveaway


41 thoughts on “Creations by You”

      1. Honey, Laura, You deserve every word!!! You are just sooooo sweet! I love your blog and everything in it! Your just sooo creative. Send more if you like! We all loved your creations! I am still waiting for that piece of cake!!!


      2. I have all kinds of fun with her, the few days every year that I get to see her!
        I don’t think she has enough time to wipe her own nose – that’s how busy she is. But she always clears time for me to cook or bake something together when we visit, or just to chat – just us girls.

        Liked by 1 person

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