
Christmas Snowflakes

This post is from last year. It is such a fabulous idea, I wanted to share it with you once again.

This is such an easy way to make beautiful snowflakes to decorate your home for the holidays!…the first one is one you are already aware of… snowflakes out of coffee filters…right? This is Mariah…flattening out the coffee filter….


Fold in half, and keep folding till you have a small triangle

You then cut little triangles or circles…

this is what it looks like when your finished…dscn4056

and that turns into this

The next snowflakes are awesome!!!!


What do you think of this one? Tomorrow we are adding fluorescent glitter all over it!

Here is what you need….pkg of brown paper lunch bags, and glue..we used white glue….both found at the dollar store..It’s better if you can find the white lunch bags…they were out, so we used the brown.


The second one we made came out fuller…we used 10 bags. Start by laying out one bag, front side up, and make a line of glue across the top then down…forming a T. .


Then put the next bag on top of the glued bag. Continue with glue, then bag until you reach the last bag

This was the hard part….getting Mariah to wait for the glue to dry.

When dry, cut a ‘tree top’  through all 10 bags at the top. If you can’t cut through all 10, just lift up some and cut a few at a time.

It will look like this…


I was getting excited…I forgot to take pictures of the next step. But all you do is cut 2 small triangles below the larger one you just cut out. Then you carefully spread the bags apartdscn4075

….oops, still wet glue….and like a fan, you connect the ends with glue. See above how she is spreading the bags. Spread out to make a fan….


Then you will meet both sides together of the fan…to form a circle…See how glue was added to one side…




These are big stars. Cover with glitter…Big and beautiful!!!

What do you think?


25 thoughts on “Christmas Snowflakes”

    1. You gotta try it…its so easy, and you can get the paper bags anywhere. The dollar store has them also. You can use the white paper sacks for white snowflakes too!!! Have fun and please post on your blog so I can see your pretty snowflakes!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I suppose you can also make these from muffin liners. The stars would just be a little smaller. Here in France our coffee filters are completely different, cone shaped.
    Thank you for following me. You are a very inspiring blog!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, then you can use paper, fold and fold and fold again, then cut little pieces off and unfold! You can hang them by a thin string or small ribbon! I made some cardboard cutouts of stars one year. I sprinkled with silver and white glitter…added a small hole on top of highest star point, then hung from the ceiling with a thumbtack. I had made over a dozen, and when the sun was shining in the room….they were sparkles everywhere.

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  2. Pingback: kelleysdiy
  3. So much more creative than boring white paper.. Love it! I’m going to be trying these next year, for sure. I really like the brown ones.


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