Home Decor

Seashell Centerpiece

It’s  Summer…vacations to the shore…collecting seashells and memories. This centerpiece would be perfect for a beach wedding also.



I have this round bowl that I use during the holidays filled with snow, balls and pretty lights. Well, I just made it a summer centerpiece. Come Christmas, I will need another bowl. You can purchase at craft stores, but unless you have a coupon, they get pretty expensive. I purchased mine at a local Walmart superstore. I painted some shells with Rustoleum Gold Metallic spray …what do you think? Do you like the gold shells?

They look so pretty! And while I was there I saw this place mat….This whole project began when I saw this beautiful place mat! I thought it was so interesting…reminded me of a big shell. Isn’t it pretty! They only sell them in the store…not online. They are called: Mainstays Blossom Pressed Vinyl Place mat, Gold.


So with the bowl and the place mat I had the beginnings of a pretty project.
The place mat was round, so I began by cutting slits into the place mat so I could manipulate it around the round bowl. I taped it around the back of the bowl, I added a bit of hot glue to keep in place.



Excuse the blue paint on the place mat,I tested it first to see what it would look like.
After I was finished preparing it for painting, I took it outside to paint!


I used Rustoleum Metallic Gold. Love this color…so pretty!


I removed the mat, tape, glue.


It came out pretty nice. Very different. I started with putting some Hemp Rope around the edge. I decided to do 2 rows. I have never used rope before. I used ‘Goop’ multipurpose glue. You can use just about any kind of silicone glue, liquid glue, even hot glue if kept inside. Just make sure it dries clear.


I haven’t ever applied hemp rope to a project, so this was my first. I noticed the ends were raveled. I took some of the glue and twisted the ends of the rope with it. It worked. Learn something new everyday!

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I put the rope around the bowl…2 rows. Now a little tip…some of you might already know. I have a spray bottle of alcohol kept in my craft room. Perfect for removing any hot glue messes from the glass….perfect.

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Then it was time to add the sand, shells, pearls, and gold beads.


I had washed the shells really well. If you purchase them, most likely they will have already been washed and sealed. I used Rustoleum Clear coat to spray the shells to bring them back to their color. So pretty, I love the large white one in the back. I added the sand, higher in back. I then arranged the shells. When I was happy with the arrangement, I added gold beads and some shells from a bracelet I had purchased a long time ago


I didn’t have a short led candle, so I put a real candle in the center until I find a candle on a timer. You could also use fairy lights. But I would prefer a timer led candle…no cords and you don’t have to fool with it.

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I think this looks so pretty. I love how it turned out. The background of the bowl (from the place mat) makes it look so much more beachy.

Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC 



67 thoughts on “Seashell Centerpiece”

      1. Not as fancy as your crafts! I have decorated picture frames and with my oldest daughter made bracelets. We use to collect the ones with little holes so we can string them. The cleaning process can get old lol.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Love shell frames, if you went to buy one at a store they would sell for too much $$$$. You must be so proud of your beautiful picture frames! The small shells, which my kids collected bunches, I put in the wine bottle with some sand and a photo of them at the beach collecting shells: https://kelleysdiy.com/2017/06/11/memories-in-a-bottle/
        It sounds like your creativity rubbed off on your daughter!! Does she still craft with shells? I would love to see a pic of your picture frames…they sound soooo pretty!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. We haven’t collected shells in about two years but she’s alot more crafty than I ;). I’ll try to take a picture of one if I find one. Most we gave away to her aunts and uncles with a beach picture of her :).

        Liked by 1 person

      4. ….Jessy….where do you think she got her creativity??? You honey. Most people don’t realize they are creative till they try and create. I have a friend shes 38. She has never picked up a spray paint can. I guided her and now she is making over her end tables, art, etc. She really wanted to make over her apartment. Boy, she really caught the bug. Long story short….It’s in you Jessy…give it a whirl!

        Liked by 1 person

      5. That’s it right there honey….you lack in confidence! If you and the boys get into it…make something for yourself! I lack confidence at the end of the project, when the project is completed.

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t have any shells – sorry! I can’t walk on sand and I am not supposed to bend down, which I ignore most of the time when I cook, but it doesn’t extend to shell collecting. Do you collect shells where you are?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Unfortunately, it is beyond getting fixed. Success rate of the surgery they suggest is 60%, and I don’t want to end up among the other 40%.
        I also don’t advertise it publicly; I live with it and enjoy life!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Your centerpiece is beautiful! Just the other day I was thinking what I should do with the shells I’ve accumulated and currently store in my craft room! This would be a great project to display them. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your so lucky!!! I love shell crafts! But then, I love the beach! I have created a few shell crafts…I love them all! Let me know what you plan on creating!


    1. Thank you! You are the first to tell me that! That was exactly my vision! Thank you 🤗 I feel like you should win something..hahaa…but seriously, you are the first.


      1. Thank you. Sometimes I get these Ideas in my brain….just can’t match it in reality. This centerpiece is one of my original ideas that I still love. Thank you!


      1. You can…very easy, I don’t know where you are , but they still sell the placemat at Walmart and Walmart.com. You can purchase the round bowl there also, and sand and shells if you don’t have your own.


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