Just a Thought

The Kindness Rock Project

I wanted to share with you, and hope to inspire you, with this message of kindness. I seen this a few months ago, and thought it was a wonderful idea. Random acts of kindness never get old, and teaching kids from a young age that a simple kind gesture can change the direction of someone’s day is priceless. Check out this link :[http://thekindnessrocksproject.com/one ] to see a video of The Kindness Rocks Project and get started on some of your own. The instructions are simple. Find a rock, paint or draw an inspirational message, and leave somewhere for someone to find!

This video was so inspirational. Just imagine if we did this. There are so many people going through difficult trials in their lives. Imagine them finding one of these rocks, which may put a smile on their hearts.

So I am asking my readers with children, this would be such a wonderful project for them to do. They would love to come up with so many different inspirational messages. Compassion for others and bringing perhaps a feeling of hope they would be giving to others who happen upon one of these rocks.

I want to hear from you what you think of this project. It’s not just for kids. Imagine the feeling you will have knowing that someone, somewhere, going through a difficult period in their lives, finding one of these.

Have a wonderful day!!!


36 thoughts on “The Kindness Rock Project”

  1. I love random acts of kindness, but hadn’t seen the rocks before! At our Senior Centers we occasionally make random acts of kindness cards, just a single thickness of pretty card stock with an uplifting quote glued on. The Seniors all then take the cards when they are running errands, etc. They tuck them into books at the Library, or between the canned goods on the grocery shelves, in a shopping basket, on benches in public places, on the bus, in a neighbor’s mailbox. They get the fun of making the cards, the anticipation of placing them and imagining how the recipient will feel. The recipient has a pleasant surprise on finding it, and perhaps a lift when they most need it. We put a label on the back that says that it is a random act of kindness, and encouraging the recipient to pass it on. Everybody Wins!!!

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Fabulous idea. There are people here who put together ziplock bags of personal care items for the homeless and leave them on park benches with note in them.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I know! There was a Facebook page associated with the rock artists. People would post pictures of their rocks after they put them out, so the two ladies knew who the artist was. They actually followed her in her car one day and ran out to get the rock after she put it out. I’m thinking the FB page was the problem. It’s better to be anonymous…loads more fun!

        Liked by 2 people

  3. What a wonderful project. Kids must learn to do kindness, and start from a young age is a great way to do it. Hopefully, this becomes their habit. By the way, your sponsor never sends me the gift. I didn’t want to ask her again. I can do without it. Did you move yet?

    Liked by 3 people

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