Just a Thought, Trash to Treasure

Sending Thanks To Our Heros

Send thanks and encouragement to health care workers providing life-saving care

Click on a message below to deliver your gratitude to hospital staff on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic, or write your own here.

Real heroes wear scrubs. To the bravest of the brave: We appreciate you. Hospital staff members give us more than care — they give us hope. We’re with you. Because we know you’re with us.
To the families of hospital workers: Thank you for lending us your heroes. Our gratitude is as big as your courage. Thank you for fighting for us.


12 thoughts on “Sending Thanks To Our Heros”

  1. OH what a nice sentiment/nice thing to do. My hospital hero well I don’t know her zip.
    My hospital hero is my niece who works in a hospital in Olean, New York. She has come done with Strep after being exposed but yet the people she works for told her to go ahead and work even though she has strep. Must be desperate for workers. My niece is a radiologist but still she worked on patients with the virus. I admire this girl for what she’s done. I thank the other front line workers too.


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